The Community & Long Term Conditions team aims to provide quality, patient-centred, self-directed care as close to home as possible.

There are six vital services sitting within the Community & Long Term Conditions directorate:

  • Reablement Services (in-patient assessment and rehabilitation wards), including stroke and orthopaedic rehabilitation wards, and wards for frail & elderly
  • Sexual Health Services, including a sexual health education unit and a sexual assault service
  • Community Services, including rehabilitation, community and specialist nursing, needs assessment, falls prevention and Allied Health
  • Diabetes Services, including medical, nursing, podiatry and dietetics
  • Ambulatory Services, including endocrinology (endocrine gland and metabolic bone disorders), dermatology, immunology (allergy and immune disease) and rheumatology (arthritis and autoimmune diseases)
  • Palliative Care Services, supporting patients with life-limiting diagnoses, not just terminally ill

Auckland DHB is the regional provider of specialist chronic pain services, delivered through The Auckland Regional Pain Service (TARPS) and mobility solutions, such as complex wheelchairs and seating services.

In May 2018, the team saw more than 6,700 patients in outpatient clinics, had over 9,3oo patient contacts through its community services, and 203 inpatients.

To discuss how you can best support Community & Long Term Conditions, email or call 09 307 6039, or make a donation here.